8 Random Thoughts

blueberry waffles



  1. The after hours texts from my son are still going strong. Here’s a good one, from Sunday night:


I need to talk to him about firing off multiple texts at once. My phone is not always on vibrate so hearing the text sound over and over AND OVER can seriously produce anxiety in even the calmest of people, myself included. In fact, I read a study on this and it’s a known fact.

One text is sufficient < – My sanity thanks you.

2. I don’t know why he would want to go to school late anyway since we have our favorite 7:45 am morning routine of listening to  “Blown Off” on 95.5 PLJ on the way to school. Even though there is a bus he could easily take to school, somehow I have been driving him and I think part of the reason is because we both enjoy these crazy dating stories and hearing the people on the phone rattling off why they chose not to go out with the person in question (who is listening on the other line!) again.

3. Why can’t I get obsessed with Adele’s new song? Everyone else is, I keep trying, but it’s just not speaking to me.

4. That other new song, Here by Alessia Cara — This song IS MINE.

I will even say that when I first heard this song a month or so ago while driving, it spoke to me in that moment (..I asked myself what am I doing here, oh oh here, oh oh here…) and it made me realize that where I was, was NOT where I wanted to be.

Ah, the power of music.

5. And how about the power of smells? Random scents remind me of things.

Like the other day in Fairway when I popped in so innocently for a few groceries? I was in the store for not even 30 seconds when the smell of the prepared foods for whatever reason totally reminded me of when I used to do all of my food shopping at Fairway on Sunday afternoons with my son in the shopping cart back when he was little and I was still married.

The memory was so strong that I almost had to leave the store. Yeah. Divorce can come back and hit you sometimes out of nowhere even when you are minding your own business just trying to price out some almond flour.

6.The scent of blueberry waffles on the other hand, always reminds me of my son as a toddler and that makes me smile.  I have been making (okay fine, heating up) Trader Joe’s blueberry waffles for his breakfast all week and each morning the smell suddenly makes me feel like its 2004 and my little boy was going to be sitting in his high chair.

blueberry waffles

Blueberry waffles were his favorite back then so whenever I smell them, I immediately think of him feeding himself the little pieces of waffle that I broke up on the tray (no plate, he would throw it) while watching Sesame Street with a spoon in his other hand for applesauce.

7. I read this awesome post the other day from NYC Running Mama regarding nutrition and fueling for marathons. I appreciated her honesty and what I consider expert opinion regarding what worked for her and what didn’t, especially the part about glycogen depleted training.

8. How are we all doing with the time change? I want to blame the clocks for my falling asleep at 6:45 pm the other night with my glasses still on my face and the lights not even off but you know, maybe I was just tired and needed some extra rest.

Don’t forget to check out what everyone else is thinking about today 🙂

[bctt tweet=”Thinking Out Loud #timechange #texts #waffles #thinkingoutloud #running @runwithspoons”]


Do you keep your phone on vibrate? Do multiple texts in a row drive you insane?

Do certain smells trigger certain memories for you?

Have you been falling asleep/waking up earlier this week?



Author: The Cookie ChRUNicles

Hi! I'm Meredith. Join me while I run and cook my way through single motherhood. It is always an adventure trying to teach my 12 year old son the benefits of an active lifestyle combined with healthy eating while of course, still leaving room for dessert.

32 thoughts on “8 Random Thoughts”

  1. I wish my kids would go to bed earlier but they only seem to be affected in the morning. Truthfully so am I – nobody slept a lot this week!

    And we’re all hopelessly obsessed with the Adele song to the point where we’re making up our own words to it to communicate with each other. Drew plays is over and over and it’s stuck in everyone’s head.

  2. FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE, finally someone else who isn’t all about the new Adele song. I mean, yeah, it’s pretty…it’s vibrant, like some of her other tunes. But by no means am I like “ZOMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG CRANK IT UP!” when it comes on the radio.

    FYI: I’m blaming the time change for everything. Ever.

  3. Multiple texts in a row make me want to punch babies. Plus my phone is stupid and can’t handle it. When I was doing Ragnar, I finally told people to stop using group text (another peeve) to send personal messages because they were breaking my phone.

  4. Seriously your son has to be one of the funniest kids on the block! His texts have me rolling!

    To answer your question – Considering Kuwait doesn’t turn clocks backwards or forwards, life is still the same on my end. Hah!

  5. You can keep doing texts from your son every week and I would love it! So funny what he says to you. I actually always keep my phone on silent! It sucks when I can’t find my phone though and I can’t call it to locate it. But otherwise I like not hearing the alerts all the time!

  6. YES! There is a certain smell that always reminds me of my grandparent’s house. 🙂 I think that’s so sweet that you have such a good relationship with your sun. Receiving multiple texts is quite… fun. 😀

  7. I keep my phone on silent and DnD so none of the notifications distract me, because it’s the worst when I’m in the zone doing something and my phone keeps going off. And there’s a certain chapstick (Bubblegum by Lip Smackers) that reminds me of my grandma. I think it’s because it was the one I was using when she came here to visit us. But yeah… brings back memories like crazy.

  8. I can’t get into the new Adele song later. I enjoy her older music, but this one just hasn’t captivated me yet. I always have my phone on silent because the noise of texts jolts me out of whatever I’m focused on. I’ve been falling asleep earlier this week – the time change is not easy to adapt to!

  9. The time change is awful! I am all a mess. I always have my phone on vibrate, so multiple texts don’t bother me, but it is would be torture if it wasn’t on vibrate!

  10. I only text certain people multiple times in a row. Like my best friend. Other than that, I refuse to do it. I can’t help but LOL at the texts he sent you though. Man he knows how to sweet talk you haha I really want waffles now. Those look so good!

  11. My mother and I LOVED our rides to school every day. I never took the bus – she drove me and we would talk. She often says it was her favorite time of the day and it was mine too. Except the rare times when I was being a typical adolescent pain (of course, those times were few. Ha!) Glad you have the same times with your son!

  12. Smells totally take me back down memory lane, especially perfumes! If I smell perfumes I used to wear it, sooo many memories come rushing back from that point in time.

    TJ’s frozen waffles are so good! I haven’t tried the blueberry ones but the whole grain ones topped with cashew butter, bananas, and pumpkin pie spice are ahhhh-mazing

  13. I TOTALLY agree about the Adele song! She’s super talented and has an incredible voice but I wasn’t blown away by it!

    Hate the multiple text messages. Tell me what you need to tell me in one sentence or like … Call me!

  14. Your texts are so precious I hope I’m that in touch with my son someday. Also love your blog post and the time changes is kicking my booty too!

  15. I usually keep my phone on silent but it bothers me when I am trying to respond to a text and more keep coming through. My sister and I always joke that my mom is famous for sending 6 questions per text. We usually only answer 2-3 of the questions because it just gets too confusing:)

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