Japanese sweet potatoes, a lot of peanut butter & new BBQ sauce

roasted sweet potatoes


Last Wednesday I mentioned that I really wanted to switch my breakfasts up and eat more English muffins with peanut butter instead of oatmeal.

Yeah, so that was short lived.

I love those cute little toasted English muffins with peanut butter but as good as they taste, they aren’t going to help me and my appetite in the morning, especially after a run.

So oatmeal it has been.


Before my run…


Early morning oatmeal mixed with blueberries, cinnamon and a drop of peanut butter. And a side of coffee.

And after my run…


My favorite meal! Oatmeal mixed with organic pumpkin, blueberries, cinnamon, Skoop B-Strong (new packaging!), almond milk and peanut butter.

While that is basically my breakfast routine on any given day, we are looking at what I ate on Monday, just in case you were wondering.


I worked from Panera Monday morning shortly after my second breakfast for a few hours. My best thinking hours are in the morning so I try to get a lot done while I can.

I discovered that the holiday cups are out already. Geez.

panera coffee


My appetite dictates when I am done working and need a break. I headed home for lunch, all excited if you want to know the truth, because lately I really look forward to a big plate of roasted Japanese sweet potatoes in the middle of the day.

roasted sweet potatoes

Roasted Japanese sweet potato wedges with a side salad. I dip the sweet potatoes in peanut butter (sometimes I mix the peanut butter with sweet chili sauce too) which I am just noticing isn’t in the picture.

Do you know that I rarely have fresh produce go to waste in my house? Well, because I am so obsessed with the Japanese sweet potatoes, my regular sweet potatoes have been neglected and keep going bad on me. I really need to cook the remaining sweet potatoes that are still looking okay so that I don’t waste them all!


I ended up making more eggplant from Sunday night’s dinner plan because I loved it so much.

The original plan was to use Michele’s paleo breading but when I went to the store to get almond flour, it was way too pricey for my liking. I thought for a moment about spending the money but then realized, I am not paleo therefore I really don’t need to spend that much money when I need the money to buy other things (like peanut butter) so I skipped it for now. Should I locate almond flour for a decent price, I will certainly be back to try her recipe.

Instead, I coated my eggplant in nutritional yeast with some spices and baked it until crisp. Oh yes.


With a side of chick peas, roasted butternut squash and cauliflower, all dipped in the new BBQ sauce from Trader Joe’s.

apple bourbon bbq sauce

If you spot this BBQ sauce at Trader Joe’s, I definitely recommend you get it. It’s sweet with kick but not too spicy.


I don’t even know really, I hand my hands in a few things.

The usual apple with peanut butter. I honestly don’t know why I bother to put the peanut butter back in the pantry. It seems like I take it out at every meal, doesn’t it?

apple with peanut butter

And some bites of the apple banana bread snack cake I created the other day…

banana bread

I think there was some late night popcorn too. Late as in 8:00 pm <– That’s late for me, okay?

[bctt tweet=”What I ate on Monday #wiaw #oatmeal #sweetpotatoes #peanutbutter #fitfluential”]

Be sure to check out what everyone else is eating today 🙂


Does produce often go bad in your house or do you typically eat what you buy?

Have you tried this new BBQ sauce from Trader Joe’s? Which BBQ sauce is your favorite?

What food do you notice is on repeat in your diet either every day or multiple times a day?


Author: The Cookie ChRUNicles

Hi! I'm Meredith. Join me while I run and cook my way through single motherhood. It is always an adventure trying to teach my 12 year old son the benefits of an active lifestyle combined with healthy eating while of course, still leaving room for dessert.

30 thoughts on “Japanese sweet potatoes, a lot of peanut butter & new BBQ sauce”

  1. Yesterday I went hog wild for some reason. I think it is because of all the emotional stuff due to the injury, but I just. couldn’t. stop. Everything was in excess. And yeah, you might just want to keep that pb out. with spoon in so that it is always ready.

  2. I also love sweet potatoes! I just discovered Japanese sweet potatoes this year and I’m hooked too. I try to eat all our produce before it goes bad, I hate wasting fresh produce. I recently rediscovered cottage cheese, and has been eating that a lot lately

  3. I rarely go a whole day without an apple (or two, or three) and/or peanut butter at some point. Usually both multiple times! I still have to get those Japanese sweet potatoes in my life, I cannot for the life of me seem to find them though!

  4. I agree with you on the PB predicament. I don’t know why I put it away, I eat it more than anything else X-) I LOVE bbq sauce! All my vegan friends love their hot and sriracha sauce…but I will always be a BBQ and ketchup girl ❤ I tried Japanese sweet potatoes once but found I like the regular orange ones best. Have you tried purple potatoes? They are amazing! (ok, I might just like them because they are purple) I need to get back on the oatmeal train. There are so many different ways to prepare it and they are all like dessert rather than breakfast. That's a train I can ride!

  5. Ooh, working at Panera would be neat! I really love the peaceful environment. And a day with lots of peanut butter is always a good deal. Thankful that God made the peanut. 😉 I definitely eat at least 1-3 apples a day. Will 3 apples a day keep 3 doctors away?

  6. I still haven’t come across those dang Japanese sweet potatoes. Get with it, Edmonton! And I feel like my whole diet is made up of repeats. Oats, bananas, chocolate, almond butter, white rice, chickpeas, potatoes… I don’t know what I’d do without them.

  7. Yum peanut butter and pumpkin oats are the best! I try to never let produce go to waste, and it frustrates me when something goes bad sooner than I anticipate.
    I eat bananas, chia seeds, oats, chocolate, and usually some form of potato every day. Right now I’m on a Greek yogurt kick again after going months without eating it!

  8. Living alone, I freeze a TON of stuff. I usually buy multiple sweet potatoes, cut them in half, and bake them all at once. Then I freeze them in a freezer bag. I find the taste is still excellent after defrosting in the micro. Since they are cut in half, they defrost easier than if you baked them whole. Just a tip in case it helps 🙂
    The apple banana bread looks awesome!

  9. I’m really the only one who eats produce at my house, but I usually manage to eat it before it spoils. Strawberries, however, are my nemesis. My mom always buys 2 or 3 at a time, so by the time I get to the last container, the majority of them are bad. Since the price is going up anyway, I’ll probably just start buying frozen fruit.
    Something I eat everyday is peanut butter. The addiction is real.

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