Spring Time Favorites

ihop pancakes


Oh, Hi. It’s me. Just sitting over here in New York finally enjoying some Spring time weather! It feels like the weather had been cold, rainy and dreary for weeks on end so to really feel the start of Spring over the weekend, reminded me why I love this time of year so much.

While Fall is probably my favorite season, I do love Spring for the happy sunshine and warmer weather, Mother’s Day, my birthday, approaching beach season and….

Flip Flops & Sandals

I love flip flops and sandals weather! If I could get away with wearing them year round I would. The Nike Comfort Thongs with the extra cushioning have become a favorite of mine over the last few years. I am now on my third pair which I recently purchased (on sale!).

nike comfort thong

They are so comfy and perfect for casually wearing, especially in the hours after you run! They are much easier on the feet because of the cushioning. I don’t know about you but walking around in stiff flip flops, especially after running a bunch of miles, is not fun.

I am equally excited to start wearing these pretty Kate Spade flip flops too. I bought them at the end of last summer (on sale!) so they still feel really new to me. They are actually really comfortable!

kate spade sandals

Essie Nail Polish Spring Collection

I love when the new Essie colors come out for the season.



I am one of those girls who takes serious time selecting her nail polish color because the name of the polish may make or break my week.

Dior Lip Glow

I love makeup, as you know. Spring colors are always so pretty and fresh! While I wear this Dior Lip Glow year round, it’s really the perfect option for spring and summer because it’s not a heavy color. It’s a lip balm with SPF and a hint of color unique to each person as it reacts to the pigment in your lip.

dior lip glow


Lip Glow comes in three shades – a pink, a coral and now a lilac. Check them out here. The lilac Lip Glow is not appearing on the Dior Website so check in a department store or Sephora to find it!

Of Possible Interest: Skincare Favorites  – including sunscreen

lululemon Spring Colors

I don’t really need a new run swiftly short sleeve shirt but the colors make me so happy when I see them in the stores.

lululemon run swiftly

I wear the Run Swiftly short sleeve year round — on the treadmill in the winter and as a perfect layering option — so I would say they are a good investment. If you watch the We Made Too Much section of luluemon’s website, at some point you will find these colors!

Little League Baseball Season

I don’t know Spring without sitting at field 1 or field 4 for my son’s Little League Baseball season. My son has been playing for the same league since he was six years old and it almost happened that this year, he wasn’t going to play for them.

A part of me was really sad, it was like a chapter of his childhood would have been ending and I was not ready for that!

Thankfully, at the last-minute, he made the decision to return which made me happy.

little league

My view from Saturday’s game.

While I have certainly sat in the bleachers over the years complaining about the cold nights, windy games and yes, boring innings which featured broken pitching machines during the early seasons before the kids were old enough to pitch, I am embracing every second now because it is all going by too fast.

Hockey Playoffs

When the Islanders make the playoffs, Spring becomes exciting! I dream of the day when the Islanders play a game on my birthday (in June) because that would mean they are in the Stanley Cup Finals. It hasn’t happened since the early 80’s but we are hopeful fans who celebrated a game 1 win from Thursday night with pancakes for breakfast on Friday.

ihop pancakes

My son is a lucky boy — he talked me into going to IHOP on Friday before school (he went to school late again because of the New York State tests I told you about that we opt out of taking).

This week is back to regular scheduling though and boy is it a packed week of stuff. Work events, Little League games, the start of Passover and Wednesday night’s Islanders playoff game in Brooklyn! I swore I wouldn’t go to a playoff game in Brooklyn yet look at that — I ordered the tickets. Although I am excited, I am trying not to think about the late 8:00 pm start or about the possibility of overtime periods and I am really hoping for direct trains without the change in Jamaica.

But hey, it’s going to be 80 degrees today! Yay for Spring 🙂

Good luck to Michele and all of the runners today running in Boston!

[bctt tweet=”Spring Favorites! #Dior #Nike #Spring #NHLplayoffs #Islanders #lululemon #IHOP ” username=”cookiechrunicle”]

Which season is your favorite?

What color is currently on your nails?

3 things you are looking forward to this Spring?


Author: The Cookie ChRUNicles

Hi! I'm Meredith. Join me while I run and cook my way through single motherhood. It is always an adventure trying to teach my 12 year old son the benefits of an active lifestyle combined with healthy eating while of course, still leaving room for dessert.

26 thoughts on “Spring Time Favorites”

  1. The spring weather lately has been amazing! I hope it sticks around for awhile! I have those same Nike flip flops but mine I bought in like 2008 and still have the same pair. I don’t wear them too often so they are still in good shape. Right now I have ballet slippers on my nails- it’s been a go-to for me for years when I don’t want to commit to a darker color!

  2. I juuuust took the color off my nails to let them breathe (also because I am going to a wedding this weekend and I haven’t decided what I am wearing so I need options). I am so freaking excited about spring! This weekend was such a gift!

  3. Love Essie nail polish! Spring and fall are my favorite seasons–it’s warm but not as humid, and therefore I’m not a sweaty mess. I almost never paint my nails because they chip so quickly, but I love treating myself to a mani/pedi every once in a while. My toes have OPI’s Ate Berries in the Canaries on right now.

  4. Oooooh those pancakes look good. We’re a soccer family so most of our sports-watching is done outside in the cold rain. Ugh. Although a few of our kids play Spring soccer, so it’s a nice change for us to be able to stand outside in the sunshine to watch them! I love Spring weather, when it’s sunny!

  5. I really love summer, especially my birthday, the Fourth of July and fireworks, ice cream and flip flops and shorts…but spring does hold a special place in my heart because it seems like the season of new beginnings, and rebirth in the world, even if that sounds sappy 🙂

  6. I’m so jealous of your playoff games. I’m from Columbus, so I’m used to having the worst team ever and not making the playoffs. I’m in Chicago at school, so I’m used to not going to any games because they’re expensive and I’m busy. But hockey makes me so happy and I miss getting absorbed in the playoff hype. And I’m the same way about nail polish names. They matter!

  7. I never thought I’d really care about the run swiftly t-shirts since I love the long sleeve and tanks and rarely run in short sleeves… but man the one I have I wear every time it’s clean almost immediately. So I think I need more. I have an addiction haha

  8. I’ve been thinking about the favourite season thing and I”m honestly not sure I have one anymore. I used to say Fall, but there’s honestly something I love about ALL the seasons. I think it’s just the change that’s my favourite. Having the weather be one way all the time would get old. But this way we’re always looking forward to something 🙂

  9. Those pancakes look AMAZING! You can’t beat ihop 😉 I love reading a good book outside in the spring time. So refreshing!

    Edye // Gracefulcoffee

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