Recent Eats


I don’t have a traditional What I Ate Wednesday post today but I do have a collection of recent eats from lunch, dinner and dessert to share!

Peanut Butter Toast

All I want for the last several days is peanut butter toast! I love it really simple, just toasted cinnamon raisin Ezekiel bread with peanut butter and banana.

Sometimes I toast one slice at a time and have each slice an hour or two apart during the day while working.

I like eating this way when I am not overly hungry.

peanut butter toast


When I am not ordering a slice of whole wheat vegetable pizza, my second favorite pizza to order is definitely grandma pizza. The corner slices are mine!

grandma pizza


Lots of salads lately!

I made this big salad the other night for dinner.

big salad

In the mix:

  • Chopped romaine
  • Roasted sweet potatoes
  • Roasted cauliflower
  • Chick peas
  • Roasted pearl tomatoes
  • Avocado

I had this greek salad one night too. Too much feta cheese for my liking especially in ratio to the lettuce but it was still good.

greek salad

How many times can I share a picture of my favorite salad from The Cheesecake Factory?! I almost didn’t take the picture the other night but the onion strings looked so nice.

cheesecake factory salad


It’s worth mentioning my slice of Linda’s Fudge Cake again from the weekend because pouring hot fudge on top of the cake was just beyond genius. And delicious too.

linda's fudge cake

Stew Leonard’s makes these chocolate drizzled rice cakes fresh in their bakery. They are pretty good considering I don’t even like to eat rice cakes as I typically find them tasteless and boring.

chocolate drizzled rice cakes

Chocolates at night will always be a favorite snack of mine. I am still not interested in eating apples (I know, can you believe it?) but handfuls of chocolate chips will never lose their appeal.

chocolate chips

[bctt tweet=”Recent Eats! #salad #peanutbutter @foodforlifebaking #cheesecakefactory #chocolate ” username=”cookiechrunicle”]

What have you been loving to eat lately?

Which foods have lost their appeal to you?

Who else is excited that today is March 1?!