What I Ate Wednesday (9.20.17)

Mario's pizza


Today is sort of like Friday which is a little bit exciting to me right now! Rosh Hashanah begins tonight at sundown so we are off for the holiday tomorrow and Friday.

It feels weird that it’s Rosh Hashanah again because it means that my son’s Bar Mitzvah, which fell shortly after Rosh Hashanah last year, is now just about a year ago. I can’t even believe sometimes how time flies.

As they say, the days are long but the years are short. I can’t stop thinking about that saying lately, especially at night when I wake up around 1:00 am. You know how thoughts are always so interesting around 1:00 am?  

Anyway, today is Wednesday so it’s all about the food. Thanks to Laura for today’s What I Ate Wednesday link up!


The usual pre and post-run oatmeal is still happening every morning. While of course I missed the pictures, it’s important to note how lovely it is when I run fewer miles because I am less hungry. Even if I run at a higher intensity, I definitely feel more balanced in my appetite as compared to when I run longer distances. Just another happy benefit to my switch to running a little less these days.


Look at the colorful lunch salad that I made! Really, I can’t take full credit since I’m still buying the giant tub of salad already prepared from Stew Leonard’s. I used that salad as a base and added chick peas, a Dr. Praeger’s veggie burger, jalapeños,  and avocado.



We were in the area of Mario’s yesterday late afternoon which was my excuse to stop for pizza for dinner. Trust me, my son was not complaining.

So local Long Island readers know that there are several Mario’s pizza locations. Mario’s was never my favorite. It was more like a choice based on location or my choice when my son was a baby because Mario’s delivered and La Scala didn’t. I hated taking him out with me to pick up pizza! The whole put him in the carseat then out of the car seat then carry him plus the pizza back to the car to put him back into the carseat. I rarely wanted to use the stroller for this two minute ordeal because that was an extra step although sometimes necessary I guess. What a process, right? Delivery was much easier when he was a baby.

I really liked the pizza I picked last night though! They have a whole wheat Margherita slice and it’s terrific. Usually I go with the vegetable slice but I liked this one better. And a side vegetable salad. Pizza and salad are the winning combination always.

Mario's pizza


As I said in yesterday’s current Trader Joe’s favorites post, it’s all about the chocolate chips.

Trader Joe's semi sweet chocolate chips

Happy New Year to my Jewish friends! Lots of apples and honey. 🙂

[bctt tweet=”What I Ate Wednesday! #WIAW #pizza #oatmeal #Mariospizza #roshhashanah #salad #stewleonards” username=”cookiechrunicle”]

Do you notice a marked difference in your appetite when you run more/less?

Go-to salad ingredients lately?


Author: The Cookie ChRUNicles

Hi! I'm Meredith. Join me while I run and cook my way through single motherhood. It is always an adventure trying to teach my 12 year old son the benefits of an active lifestyle combined with healthy eating while of course, still leaving room for dessert.

8 thoughts on “What I Ate Wednesday (9.20.17)”

  1. L’shana Tova to you and your family You are a special friend, that as weird as it is, the modern day technological world has allowed us to have. Your the best!!! Have a great holiday!!

  2. I have noticed that if I run more than 6 miles a day then I am starving 🙂 I’m on week 6 of marathon training so that = starving about 4 out of 7 days! Ha.

    I just had a salad for lunch. Mixed greens, ground turkey with taco seasoning, avocado, beans, and a little cheese. Yummo!

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