My 3 Year Pure Barre Anniversary!

pure barre


I absolutely cannot believe that it’s now my three-year Pure Barre Anniversary!

pure barre anniversary

It feels like yesterday that I signed up to try Pure Barre with a month of unlimited classes. I had no idea at the time that my workout routine, ever since that day in July 2014, would continuously include Pure Barre.

I can no longer even imagine my running and workout routine without Pure Barre at this point. How did I incorporate strength training before Pure Barre? Did I strength train at all? Probably not. I never liked strength training.

In honor of my Pure Barre anniversary, I thought I would round-up some of my favorite Pure Barre posts from the last three years including several Pure Barre class and workout reviews.


pure barre

First Pure Barre Impressions (July 2014):

My first Pure Barre class! –  It’s crazy for me to look back to read my first Pure Barre class experience. I wonder if I realized at the time how much of a Pure Barre addict I would become!

Why I Signed Up For Pure Barre – This post explains my reasons back then for giving Pure Barre a try.

pure barre

Pure Barre From Home:

I fell in love with Pure Barre immediately, the price was another story. After paying the initial fee for one month of unlimited classes ($99), the monthly membership going forward was expensive. Not to mention, getting to classes that would fit my schedule wasn’t easy to do every week.

Once I discovered that Pure Barre had DVD options, I was hooked on the Pure Barre from home concept.  I was NEVER one to routinely work out at home but that all changed. The Pure Barre workouts were really easy to follow at home and similar to the classes. I quickly learned that I enjoyed them very much.

pure barre from home

Discovering Pure Barre DVD’s

Pure Barre DVD’s – Mile High Series Review   – My favorite 35 minute Pure Barre workouts!

Pure Barre Mile High

Pure Barre DVD Review – Mile High + Studio Series

pure barre dvd

My Workout Routine – This post explains the workout routine I created for myself to follow which incorporates a balance between Pure Barre workouts and running. I still follow the flow of this routine when I am not training for a race!

Pure Barre Online Workouts:

After working with four different Pure Barre DVD’s, I discovered the Pure Barre online workouts.

Pure Barre Tone in 10 Review –   Six different 10 minute Pure Barre workouts which can fit perfectly into any routine. Sometimes I combine a few of the workouts and sometimes, just one 10 minute workout is enough!

Pure Barre Pure Results (focus on seat) Review –  A 65 minute Pure Barre workout with extra focus on the seat. My review is one of my top viewed posts every day since sharing it!

Pure Barre Pure Results Online Workout Review

Pure Barre Pure Results (focus on thighs) Review –  A 55 minute Pure Barre workout with extra focus on the thighs. I definitely loved this workout and the way it incorporates the focus on thigh work.

Reviewing the Pure Barre Pure Results online workout with featured focus on thighs!

Pure Barre Studio Appearances 2016:

I took a few Pure Barre classes at the studio a few times following my initial month membership throughout 2014 and 2015. Last year, I only popped into the Pure Barre studio for two classes and haven’t been back since!

My Pure Barre Birthday Workout June 2016  –I returned to the Pure Barre studio for a class with my friend Dina after we took a spin class at Soul Cycle. We made it a birthday workout weekend!

pure barre

Pure Barre Platform Class Review – I had wanted to try the Pure Barre Platform class last summer. It gives regular Pure Barre a cardio boost by using the platform. I didn’t love it but I am glad that I tried it.

pure barre platform

Pure Barre On Demand:

As you know, I was a Pure Barre On Demand beta tester in the Spring. I love how they revamped their at-home options by offering a crazy variety of Pure Barre workouts On Demand. For a monthly fee, Pure Barre On Demand gives you access to ALL of Pure Barre’s online workouts which include the Pure Results series, Tone in 10 Series plus a whole ton of live classes that have been recorded. I think the live class atmosphere is my favorite right now! Plus, they update the On Demand selection often so you can always try something new.

pure barre online workouts

I really want to do a full review of the new Pure Barre on Demand but I think I need a few more weeks. Right now, I just love having so many options and my routine feels so rejuvenated since I can always choose a different Pure Barre workout. Between the 5 minute, 10 minute, 30 minute and 45 -60 minute classes, I never run out of choices that fit my schedule. And, you can download the app and take Pure Barre On Demand with you where you go so you don’t even need your computer anymore.

Please feel free to ask me any and all of your Pure Barre and barre questions! As a runner and self-proclaimed Pure Barre addict, I am thrilled to help you figure out how and why to incorporate barre into your workout routine.

I really do believe in Pure Barre’s lift, tone and burn approach not only because I can see the results, I feel them too. Not to mention, I am pretty confident in saying that balancing my running with Pure Barre has helped me to stay injury free.

[bctt tweet=”My 3 year Pure Barre anniversary! #purebarre @pure_barre #workouts #runner #fitfluential #roundup” username=”cookiechrunicle”]

Have you tried Pure Barre or other type of barre class?

Author: The Cookie ChRUNicles

Hi! I'm Meredith. Join me while I run and cook my way through single motherhood. It is always an adventure trying to teach my 12 year old son the benefits of an active lifestyle combined with healthy eating while of course, still leaving room for dessert.

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