One Of Those Weeks, New Car & Recent Eats

silician pizza


Last week was just one of those weeks. You know, one of those weeks where it feels like just about everything is going wrong for days on end?

When one of those weeks happen, you need a balanced attitude and positive mood for properly dealing with life and although those are my finer qualities 99.9% of the time, they were not present for me five out of the seven days last week.

Instead, I filtered in my PMS hormones and post-quick trip to Chicago feelings into everything that happened which DID NOT help me in the slightest.

By Wednesday though, I truly acknowledged it wasn’t my week and slowly started to recover from the constant everything is wrong feeling.

Wednesday afternoon, after having not the best of mornings, I was running a wedding webinar for work at a later time than my usual webinar time. This meant that my son had to take the bus home from school because I wouldn’t be available to pick him up.

I love these webinars by the way because I love talking wedding details!

Well, the one time this year that my son had to take the bus home, a car decides to crash into the power lines in front of the school causing a power outage and slight fire.

I found out about it by text from my son towards the end of my webinar. Imagine me on A LIVE WEBINAR talking to our guest expert speaker about weddings while my son is texting me to please pick him up, there’s no power in the school and the power lines outside are on fire.

Did I tell you it wasn’t my week?

Recent Eats:

As soon as my wedding webinar concluded, I did pick my son up from school since the buses were delayed by the chaos. The school really handled the situation super well and no one was hurt.

Since we were both hungry, we went immediately to Chopt for salads. I am still loving the spicy tahini dressing! It’s so good.

I should really make the tahini dressing at home but lately, I don’t feel like making ANYTHING at home.

Chopt salads

It’s a rare occurrence that I find the time to work from Panera but I did get there one day for a change of scenery and ordered a salad.

Please note the apple on the side. I thought I would try liking apples again but I still don’t. After one bite, I knew apples were still off my radar.

Panera salad

This random slice of whole wheat vegetable pizza was eaten while sitting in my loaner car from my car dealership (because of course something was wrong with my car last week too) while hiding from my son and his friend.

That’s right, hiding from the kids. They still don’t even know that I had pizza but I was hungry, they were annoying me, and the only place I could hide was in the loaner car that I could barely figure out how to drive because everything has gone so hi-tech. It’s a miracle that I even got the loaner car into park. I am not even kidding.

whole wheat vegetable pizza

Saturday really was a terrific day and a great lesson for remembering that even when you have some less than wonderful feeling days, the better days are always on the horizon.

After my long run in the morning, I met with my friend David who is also my accountant to do my taxes. I learned that I owe a lot less money than expected (!!!!) and then, while riding the I owe less money feeling, I made a deal on a new car that I got to drive home the same day!

The first place I drove in my new car (which is white by the way, my first ever white car) was to my parents’ house for dinner after leaving the car dealership in the evening.

We had Sicilian pizza from Piccolo which I requested since we haven’t had pizza from Piccolo in forever. It was a slight change for us from the usual grandma pizza.

silician pizza

My dad bought these chocolate chip cookies and then looked at me like I was insane as I ate the chocolate chips from the cookies and left a pile of crumbs. What? Doesn’t he know by now that I do weird things with food sometimes?

chocolate chip cookies

My son had a hockey game yesterday outside in the frigid weather but at least the game wasn’t too early in the morning with the whole time change thing.

I ran some errands and did basic food shopping to prepare for the blizzard that is coming tomorrow and we tried the new edible cookie dough from Stew Leonard’s too!

Stew Leonard’s sells the cookie dough in two sizes but I told my son to go with the small one since cookie dough is super rich when eaten with a spoon. You just can’t eat that much cookie dough before feeling sick. But we liked it!

cookie dough

Let’s not complain about the time change which hurts my early morning running or the fact that there is a blizzard approaching for tomorrow. I had enough complaining last week and I am ready for a new week in my new car…which is about to be covered in snow. 🙂

[bctt tweet=”week in review & recent eats! #weekinreview #newcar #pizza #stewleonards #cookiedough #chopt #salads #weekend #blizzard” username=”cookiechrunicle”]

Linking up with Meg’s Week in Review!

What color is your car? Do you always get the same color?

Is it supposed to snow where you live today/tomorrow?

Best thing you ate over the weekend?

Author: The Cookie ChRUNicles

Hi! I'm Meredith. Join me while I run and cook my way through single motherhood. It is always an adventure trying to teach my 12 year old son the benefits of an active lifestyle combined with healthy eating while of course, still leaving room for dessert.

23 thoughts on “One Of Those Weeks, New Car & Recent Eats”

  1. Im not even gonna say anything about the time change or the blizzard because you know how I feel about those things!
    I have been shopping for a new car over the past few weeks. Ive had my current one (which is white) for 17 years! My mom is also car shopping and wants a white car. I definitely do not want a white one again! Im thinking dark gray.
    Wow, sounds like you had quite a week, thats crazy about the power lines at your sons school! I hope this is a better week for you.

  2. Glad your week ended on a better note!!!
    My car is black….should have done white with the AZ heat… but for some reason I didn’t!!!

    We have eaten the best things since we landed in Spain last Weds!! Tons of tapas—meat, fish, guacamole, gelato….the list is endless!!

    Hope the weather forecast is WRONG!!!

  3. mm that pizza looks amazing! My first car was red but I only had it for about a week (hand-me-down) before I switched to a white car (hand-me-down again). Now I drive a black car which fits me much better! I made some pretty good pancakes this weekend!

  4. Ooooooh congrats on a new car! I love that feeling! I have a silver Honda Odyssey. I just cleaned it out yesterday and it feels SO GOOD now that it’s all clean! I LOVE IT! I’m sorry about your upcoming snow. 😦 That SUCKS.

  5. Ooh I have never seen someone sell cookie dough like that; but that looks delicious.
    And we definitely all have those off weeks; don’t be too hard on yourself. That Sicilian pizza looks like it would cure so many woes… :o) It definitely sounds and looks gorgeous.

  6. Oh yes, and we love white cars, for some reason. We don’t have as much dirt road, as we used to live on, so it works better for keeping them clean. Also, I think it’s actually supposed to be really sunny here today; we need more moisture, but I am also thankful for sunshine.

  7. Oh man you had a week and half last week. I’m so glad you linked up though so I could see how you’re doing. I’m way behind in blog stuff. That tiny human is kicked my ass, in a good way though. We had a dance party this morning and she loved it.

    Congrats on the new car (we’re shopping for one too) and all that pizza eating. I’m jealous. I’d rather have that than my girl scout cookies. Although I wouldn’t mind the cookies for dessert. 🙂

    I can’t believe that business about your son’s school and the fire. I would have freaked out, especially since you were on a LIVE webinar. Ah!!

    Stay warm. We’re supposed to get hit with the storm too, starting at 5 p.m. tonight and going through until Wednesday!

  8. Congrats on the new car! My car is white, so it’s constantly dirty since that’s our mountain car. All your pizza photos are really making me want pizza! We’re having it tomorrow, which I now realize is totally fitting because it’s Pie Day tomorrow.

  9. Time change? What time change? No, seriously, that doesn’t happen over here until the 26th. Weird but I’m not mad about it as the past weekend was odd enough without it already.
    What a week you had. Between the fire scare at your son’s school, PMS and cold destiny really didn’t spare you much. Fingers crossed for a much better week ahead!
    Also, this: “when you have some less than wonderful feeling days, the better days are always on the horizon.” Yes!

    1. right?! as a kid, I would have been in heaven with the cookie dough! and to answer your question from your blog, no I didn’t ever find my cell phone! I was on the train and it pulled out of penn before I could go back to find it!

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