What I Ate Wednesday 8.31.16

veggie burger with roasted potatoes and roasted vegetables


Oh, hi! Let’s discuss what I ate on Monday…


Along with changing up my workouts this week, I decided to change up my usual pre and post-run breakfast too. I didn’t feel like oatmeal so I switched back to my old favorite three ingredient pancake. This version is slightly different from my original recipe though since I didn’t include chia seeds. I haven’t bought a new bag of chia seeds since they spilled all over my pantry earlier this summer.

I’ve been making the pancake, which I guess is technically a protein pancake, with a spoonful of Skoop B-Strong (plant-based protein powder) which combines so nicely with the egg whites and banana. I also added a few frozen blueberries while it was cooking.

This is the first pancake I made early in the morning. I have been flipping them like a champ but this one didn’t flip so well. It didn’t matter, it was still delicious and I like it best I think when I leave it long enough to get a bit crispy on the outside. I also added a small amount of peanut butter.

three ingredient pancake

Am I the only one who likes to eat with little forks and spoons when they are available? This Bob The Builder fork is from when my son was little and no, I won’t part with it.

See I told you I can flip like a champ. This pancake, which I had after my workout, is evidence of that.

three ingredient pancake

Quick thoughts on switching my pre and post-run breakfasts: I do okay when eating the protein pancakes before my workouts. I used to eat these all of the time! I didn’t run long or hard on Monday so it’s possible that I wouldn’t want the protein from the egg whites for a harder workout but really, my stomach handles the ingredients just fine. The banana part provides me with my morning energy and the protein was light enough with staying power.

Post-run was just fine too. Again, I used to eat these pancakes all of the time so it wasn’t that foreign to me. I welcomed the change from oatmeal this week!


I am still enjoying peanut butter and raspberry jelly on toasted cinnamon raisin Ezekiel bread when I am home for lunch. I added diced apples to this slice which I had right before getting on a conference call. I made another slice a little while later.

peanut butter and jelly on cinnamon raisin ezekiel bread


Sunday night’s roasted potatoes and roasted vegetables was so good since they were cooked until super crispy and roasted with olive oil for a change that I had to replicate it for dinner on Monday with a Dr. Praeger’s veggie burger.

I also had to roast two types of sweet potatoes again because I really liked the combination.

veggie burger with roasted potatoes and roasted vegetables

If you are interested in seeing the grandma pizza I had last night at La Scala for dinner, you can check it on Instagram. That was really good too!


I know I snacked on baby carrots during the day only because they were in the refrigerator . I also had some of the organic red grapes that my son picked out while we were shopping in Whole Foods on Sunday.

I didn’t know what I wanted to eat after dinner so I ended up with Trader Joe’s popcorn. It was fine I guess but wasn’t what I was really in the mood for not that I know what exactly I was in the mood to eat.

trader joe's popcorn

Be sure to check out what everyone else is eating today!

What have you been enjoying for lunch these days?

How often do you change-up your breakfast?


Author: The Cookie ChRUNicles

Hi! I'm Meredith. Join me while I run and cook my way through single motherhood. It is always an adventure trying to teach my 12 year old son the benefits of an active lifestyle combined with healthy eating while of course, still leaving room for dessert.

18 thoughts on “What I Ate Wednesday 8.31.16”

  1. Im sure we have talked about this before but I also love small forks and spoons. We have a bunch of small ones in our set and I always go for them, Rob thinks its so weird. I wash one to use if there are no clean ones. And when my family came over for dinner last weekend we put out one small fork for me, and my sister “offered” to use the small one so no one else had to- I was like no that’s mine!
    I’ve been eating the same breakfast for over a year now- either an egg frittata that I make over the weekend or a smoothie.

  2. How are the Dr Praegers products, I have been seeing them more and more but not have had the opportunity to try any as of yet. Have a great day!

    1. we love all of the dr. praeger’s products! ive been buying them for years and my son even enjoys them all which says something about the taste for sure. I definitely recommend the burgers and the “littles” that they make too are great, especially with the kids.

  3. We have two sets of plastic handled child size spoon and fork from my daughter. The third set is at her apartment that she eats with daily. Her boyfriend just shaked his head and laughed the first time she whipped them out. Now he is use to the both of us lol. I have a little silver expresso size spoon that I eat all my meals that require a spoon. Btw, love, love, love those pancakes. They are light, tasty and satisfying. Your meals are spot on! How do you like those veggie burgers? Tasty or just convenient? I buy one at a gourmet store made with sweet potatoes and chopped broccoli–it’s very tasty, but I don’t overdo spinach so it’s only an occasional go to for me. Plus, having something in the house already is always easier.

  4. Lately I’ve been enjoying leftovers for lunch but usually I just go with a giant salad from the salad bar at work! Also, you just reminded me of those Dr. Praeger’s burgers! I haven’t had one in so long!

  5. That pizza you made looked super delicious to me; why is it called the grandma pizza? Lately for lunch, I’ve been enjoying random things; it hasn’t even been a salad every day. Yesterday, I ate a scone and cottage cheese for part of lunch and trail mix for the other part. :o)

    1. it looked good because I didn’t make it, we were out to eat at a local pizza place! it’s one of my favorites – grandma pizza is basically a square pie, relatively thin crust as compared to a silician pie with the cheese first and then the sauce on top. at least I think that’s how they make it. it’s so good!

  6. The weather finally changed here, so I’m getting a bunch of veggies to roast in the oven today. I KNOW I have asked you this SO MANY TIMES, but what do you put the oven at? 425? Sorry for being a pain. 😛

  7. I miss making roasted potatoes. I might have to do that tomorrow night when I go back to Boston. There’s nothing like crispy potatoes from the oven. I hate when I’m hungry for something but don’t know what. It happens at lunch a lot and I end up snacking to get me through the day instead, which is never as satisfying. I want Grandma pizza.

  8. I love little forks and spoons! And even though I hate unnecessarily washing dishes, I’ve definitely been know to wash a little fork or spoon just so I could have the size I wanted. It feels comfier in my hand and I get more votes of deliciousness. Win-win. 🙂

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