What I Ate Wednesday – 3.2.16

What I Ate Wednesday

Before we get to the What I Ate Wednesday food fun, I wanted to thank you for your kind comments and emails regarding yesterday’s post. I know we all go through different experiences in life so I hope that by sharing a bit of my own stuff, I can help someone else, even if the situation is completely different.

Now on to the food!

Let’s take a look at what I ate on Monday instead of yesterday because yesterday I was in the city for event industry stuff so the only picture I managed to take was of a giant fruit bowl at a meeting. I shared it on Instagram if you care to see it 🙂

What I Ate Wednesday


Pre-run early morning usual of coffee plus oatmeal with banana.


Post-run was a little different on Monday.

Remember I stopped eating greek yogurt? Well, I bought one container of the plain organic greek last week so I finally opened it and gave it another try, just like the good old days when I was eating it every morning.

I made a bit of parfait if you will, mixing the greek yogurt with strawberries, blueberries, Nature’s Path Pumpkin Flax Granola and some dark chocolate chips. The same combo that I get at Red Mango, just with greek yogurt in place of frozen yogurt.

yogurt parfait

Do you like my bright green yogurt store spoon?! I have quite a stash.


Loving this egg sandwich combination lately – toasted cinnamon raisin Ezekiel bread with avocado, eggs, plum tomato slices and some spinach.

egg sandwich

Who am I eating sandwiches? I don’t know either.


I could eat this plant-based plate every single night and probably never grow tired of it. Roasted sweet potato wedges with roasted broccoli and brussels sprouts with mashed avocado on top. Not a sign of protein on this plate because I just didn’t feel like quinoa, chick peas, lentils or whatever.

I know we need protein and I know I need to get my complete protein combinations but I am in no way a perfect eater (is anyone?) so let’s just call the yogurt and eggs from breakfast and lunch enough for today, okay?

plant based power bowl

What’s not seen here are the roasted potato wedges that I snagged from my son’s dinner plate. I kept waiting for him to be done with his hamburger because he usually leaves over a bunch of the roasted potatoes on the side (which I don’t understand but appreciate greatly).


So remember when I said I deal with food allergies in the form of Oral Allergy Syndrome? The other night I had a raw Pink Lady Apple and my allergies appeared in full force. My throat was tight and my chest was heavy for two hours which really doesn’t happen anymore. It was bad enough for me to take a Benadryl so I decided I need to stop eating raw apples, at least for a bit.

No problem – cooked, warm apple slices sprinkled with Skoop for a vanilla flavor (and hey, some protein!) with melted chocolate it is.


Oral Allergy Syndrome really only applies to raw fruits and vegetables. Once you cook them, the pollen is altered which eliminates the allergy (not always, not in every case, but most of the time).

I have to say that I LOVE eating the apples this way. The Skoop blends itself in and the chocolate gets all melty. So, so good.

[bctt tweet=”What I Ate Wednesday Fun #WIAW #food #recenteats @healthyskoop #running #fitfluential”]

Click here to see what everyone else is eating today!


Do you have food allergies?

Have you eaten something new or different this week?

What’s on the workout agenda for today?

Author: The Cookie ChRUNicles

Hi! I'm Meredith. Join me while I run and cook my way through single motherhood. It is always an adventure trying to teach my 12 year old son the benefits of an active lifestyle combined with healthy eating while of course, still leaving room for dessert.

35 thoughts on “What I Ate Wednesday – 3.2.16”

  1. Avocado and eggs are just so good together. Throw bacon in there and it’s perfection, for me! Your dinner is also calling my name, and I’ve been eating more avocados this week, like twice in one day. I go through avocado phases.

    1. ive had it all my life just never knew what the allergy was! my symptoms have come and gone and come back again. I am better than I used to be but I have to be careful and always avoid raw walnuts and almonds because as I have gotten older, they have affected me more often than not. that’s the thing with this allergy – it’s not an everytime reaction but I shouldn’t mess with it (even though I usually do)

  2. I had the avocado and sweet potato combo for lunch yesterday and it was grand! I thought it would be flavorless, but not at all. I loved it! Have a great day Meredith

  3. Egg sandwiches are the best! I eat eggs every day for lunch and never get sick of them because they’re so versatile. I don’t have any food allergies that I know of, which is good since my mom is allergic to tropical fruits and I used to worry I would be also.

  4. I was allergic to this brand of wine we had a few weeks ago! My tongue kept getting all raw and ouchy and I finally narrowed it down to the wine. So weird!

  5. SO WEIRD that you just mentioned that oral allergy thing. I didn’t know it was a thing, but until I was about 21 or 22 most fresh fruits and vegetables made my throat and mouth itch. It went away around the same time I started to lose weight and become healthier so I’m not sure if that helped or I just grew out of it, but I’ve never actually heard of other people having it!

    1. yep! I have had the allergy since I am a kid but never knew what it was until I was older! It come and goes on and can be regulated with Zyrtec (to not feel the symptoms) although I don’t currently take Zyrtec for allergies anymore. I really haven’t had the OAS allergies in months, just came back with that apple! I do avoid raw walnuts and almonds though because those also tend to give me the allergy feeling and I am not about to mess with the nuts.

  6. I love egg white sandwiches on Ezekiel bread–one of my favorite lunches! Last Saturday we went out to celebrate my husband’s birthday and went to a pretty adventurous foodie place–I tried duck egg beignets and scallop boudin blanc!

  7. I don’t have food allergies, but sometimes I think I might need to try an elimination diet for some tummy troubles I have occasionally. That sweet potato + broccoli and guacamole looks really good!

  8. I have been in a sandwich mood lately too. I am usually not a sandwich person, but I have been obsessed with bread for the past few weeks.

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